Gerard Chalhoub

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Gérard Chalhoub

I hold a PhD degree in computer science from Clermont University (Clermont 2), Clermont-Ferrand, France. I also hold a HDR (Habilitation to Direct Research) degree from University of Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France. I am currently a Full Professor at Université Clermont Auvergne. I carry out my teaching at IUT and my research activity in LIMOS laboratory.

Click here to get a copy of my CV.


You can find me at this address:
Bureau C6bis, Département R&T
IUT - Campus des Cézeaux
5 avenue Blaise Pascal
CS 60026
63178 Aubière Cedex


Email address:

gerard chalhoub 


PhD Students

NameDefense dateTopic
Anthony Nama-Wireless communications using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Dorine Chagnon-Path validation techniques
Ibrahim Sammour27/06/2023Wi-Fi performance enhancements using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Ali Mamadou Mamadou21/03/2022Coexistence techniques between wireless networking technologies
Mouna Karoui29/04/2021Study of hybrid wireless communications in C-ITS networks
Jinpeng Wang02/07/2019Impact of mobility on wireless sensor networks
Hamadoun Tall14/05/2018Congestion avoidance techniques in wireless sensor networks
Rana Diab15/06/2015Hybrid multi-channel MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks
Ismail Mansour05/07/2013Contributions to security protocols in wireless sensor networks

Research Topics

Wireless sensor networks

Wireless MAC protocols

Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

Wireless routing protocols

Security in wireless sensor networks

QoS in wireless sensor networks

Collaborative Intelligent Transport Systems

Machine Learning techniques in Wireless Networks

Journal Publications

  1. Dorine Chagnon, Kevin Thiry-Atighehchi, Gérard Chalhoub, A Survey on Path Validation: Towards Digital Sovereignty, Computer Networks, Volume 256, 2025
  2. 2024
  3. Ibrahim Sammour, Gerard Chalhoub, Gil De Sousa, Capacity Aware Wi-Fi Networks Deployment, Annals of Telecommunications, 2024
  4. 2023
  5. Serap Ergun, Ibrahim Sammour, Gerard Chalhoub, A survey on how network simulators serve reinforcement learning in wireless networks, Computer Networks, 2023,
  6. Sandro Bimonte, Hassan Badir, Pietro Battistoni, Houssam Bazza, Amina Belhassena, Christophe Cariou, Gerard Chalhoub, Juan Carlos Corrales, Adrian Couvent, Jean Laneurit, Rim Moussa, Julian Eduardo Plazas, Monica Sebillo, Nicolas Tricot, Data-centric UML Profile for Agroecology Applications: Agricultural Autonomous Robots Monitoring Case Study, Intenational journal on Computer Science and Information Systems, 2023
  7. 2022
  8. Geraldine André, Bruno Bachelet, Pietro Battistoni, Amina Belhassena, Sandro Bimonte, Christophe Cariou, Frederic Chabot, Gerard Chalhoub, Adrian Couvent, Georgia Garani, Jean Laneurit, Rim Moussa, Konstantinos Oikonomou, Ibrahim Sammour, Monica Sebillo, Mateus Vilela Souza, Nicolas Tricot, Robert Wrembe, LambdAgrIoT - A New Architecture for Agricultural Autonomous Robots Scheduling: from Design to Experiments, Springer Cluster Computing, 2022
  9. Bruno Bachelet, Pietro Battistoni, Sandro Bimonte, Christophe Cariou, Gérard Chalhoub, Fabien Coutarel, and Nicolas Tricot, Towards an Architecture for Online Scheduling of Autonomous Robots in Agriculture: Open Issues, International Journal of Smart Vehicles and Smart Transportation, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2022
  10. 2021
  11. Ali Mamadou Mamadou, Gerard Chalhoub Enhancing the CSMA/CA of IEEE 802.15.4 for better coexistence with IEEE 802.11, Wireless Networks, June 2021, (volume 9, issue 9)
  12. 2020
  13. Ibrahim Sammour, Gerard Chalhoub Evaluation of Rate Adaptation Algorithms in IEEE 802.11 Networks, Electronics, September 2020, (volume 9, issue 9)
  14. Mouna Karoui, Gerard Chalhoub, Antonio Freitas An efficient path planning GLOSA-based approach over large scale and realistic traffic scenario, Internet Technology Letters, June 2020
  15. Ali Mamadou Mamadou, Joel Toussaint, Gerard Chalhoub Survey on wireless networks coexistence: resource sharing in the 5G era, Mobile Networks and Application, June 2020 (volume 25, issue 5)
  16. 2019
  17. Jinpeng Wang, Gerard Chalhoub, Michel Misson Adaptive Downward/Upward Routing Protocol for Mobile-Sensor Networks, Future Internet, 15 January 2019, (volume 11, issue 1)
  18. Jinpeng Wang, Gerard Chalhoub Mobility support enhancement for RPL with multiple sinks, Annals of Telecommunications, January 2019, pages 1-14
  19. 2018
  20. Gerard Chalhoub, Marie-Caroline Deux, Badr Rmili, Michel Misson, Multi-Channel Wireless Sensor Network for Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicles, Acta Astronautica Journal, Elsevier, September 2018
  21. Miguel Landry Foko Sindjoung, Alain Bertrand Bomgni, Elie Tagne Fute, Gérard Chalhoub, Clémentin Tayou Djamegni, ISCP: An Instantaneous and Secure Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, Network Protocols and Algorithms, 2018, Journal (volume 10, issue 1)
  22. 2017
  23. Jinpeng Wang, Gerard Chalhoub, Study of Mobility Enhancements for RPL in Convergecast Scenarios, Future Internet, November 2017, Journal (volume 9, issue 4)
  24. Hamadoun Tall, Gerard Chalhoub, ABORt: Acknowledgement-Based Opportunistic Routing Protocol for High Data Rate Multichannel WSNs, Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, October 2017, Journal (volume 6, issue 4)
  25. Hamadoun Tall, Gerard Chalhoub, Nadir Hakem and Michel Misson, Load balancing routing with queue overflow prediction for WSNs, Wireless Networks journal, July 2017
  26. 2016
  27. Hamadoun Tall, Gerard Chalhoub, Michel Misson, Implementation and performance evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 unslotted CSMA/CA protocol on Contiki OS, Annals of Telecommunications, 2016, pages 1-10
  28. Gerard Chalhoub, Eric Perrier de La Bathie, Michel Misson, Overhead caused by WiFi on ZigBee Networks using Slotted CSMA/CA, JNW (Journal of Networks), February 2016, Journal (volume 11, issue 2)
  29. 2015
  30. Ismail Mansour, Gerard Chalhoub, Pascal Lafourcade, Key Management in Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, Sept 2015, Journal (volume 4, issue 3)
  31. Gerard Chalhoub, Rana Diab, Michel Misson, HMC-MAC Protocol for High Data Rate Wireless Sensor Networks, Electronics, June 2015, Journal (volume 4, issue 2)
  32. 2014
  33. Ismail Mansour, Gerard Chalhoub, Pascal Lafourcade, Evaluation of Secure Multi-Hop Node Authentication and Key Establishment Mechanisms for Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, septembre 2014, Journal (volume 3, issue 3)
  34. 2013
  35. Rana Diab, Gerard Chalhoub, Michel Misson, Overview on Multi-Channel Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks, Network Protocols and Algorithms, 2013, Journal (volume 5, issue 3)
  36. 2010
  37. Saoucene Mahfoudh, Gerard Chalhoub, Pascale Minet, Michel Misson, Ichrak Amdouni, Node Coloring and Color Conflict Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks, Future Internet Journal, Oct 2010, Journal (volume 2, issue 4)
  38. Gerard Chalhoub, François Delobel, Michel Misson, Time Segmentation Approach Allowing QoS and Energy Saving for Wireless Sensor Networks, Journal of Telecommunications, May 2010, Journal (volume 2, issue 2)
  39. 2009
  40. Khaldoun Al Agha, Gerard Chalhoub, Alexandre Guitton, Erwan Livolant, Saoucène Mahfoudh, Pascale Minet, Michel Misson, Joseph Rahmé, Thierry Val, Adrien Van Den Bossche, Cross-layering in an industrial wireless sensor network: case study of OCARI, JNW (Journal of Networks), Aug 2009, Journal (volume 4, issue 6)
  41. Gerard Chalhoub, Erwan Livolant, Alexandre Guitton, Adrien van den Bossche, Michel Misson, Thierry Val, Specifications and evaluation of a MAC protocol for a LP-WPAN, AHSWN (Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks), 2009, Journal (volume 7, issue 1-2)

Book chapter Publications

  1. Adrian Couvent, Nicolas Tricot, Christophe Debain, Matthieu Driddi, Mahmoud Almasri, Gerard Chalhoub, Gil De Sousa, Marie Izaute, Fabien Coutarel, Impact of Machine’s Robotisation on the Activity of an Operator in Picking Tasks, Human Systems Engineering and Design, Springer, pp.387-393, 2019, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
  2. 2017
  3. Pascale Minet, Gerard Chalhoub, Erwan Livolant, Michel Misson, Ridha Soua, Rana Diab, Badr Rmili, Jean-Francois Perelgritz, Multichannel Wireless Sensor Networks for Structural Health Monitoring and Launching Aircraft, book chapter in Wireless Sensor Systems for Extreme Environments: Space, Underwater, Underground and Industrial, Wiley, July 2017
  4. 2014
  5. Ismail Mansour, Gerard Chalhoub, Michel Misson, Security architecture for multi-hop wireless sensor networks, Security for Multihop Wireless Networks, April 2014, book chapter, CRC Press Book

Conference/Workshop Publications

  1. Ibrahim Sammour, Gérard Chalhoub, Oussama Habachi, Intelligent CSMA/CA for Wi-Fi networks, International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC), May 2024
  2. Sandro Bimonte, Gianni Bellocchi, Francois Pinet, Guillaume Charrier, Dimitris Sacharidis, Mahmoud Sakr, Ronan Tournier, Gentian Jakllari, Gerard Chalhoub, Tahar Kechadi, Boualem Benatallah, Francesco Marinello, Roberto Oberti, Jerome Bindelle, Ginta Majore, and Piotr Skrzypczynski. 2024. Technological and Research Challenges in Data Engineering for Sustainable Agriculture. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments (BiDEDE '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 7, 1–6
  3. 2023
  4. L.A.K. Mekemte, Gerard Chalhoub, On the Use of Autoencoders in Unsupervised Learning for Intrusion Detection Systems. Ubiquitous Networking - UNet 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14757. Springer
  5. 2022
  6. Ibrahim Sammour, Gerard Chalhoub, Application-Level Data Rate Adaptation in Wi-Fi Networks Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, IEEE VTC, September 2022
  7. Mouna Karoui, Ali Mamadou Mamadou, Gerard Chalhoub, A Novel Distributed Context-Aware Radio Access Technology Selection Scheme For C-ITS Networks, International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), May 2022
  8. 2021
  9. Sandro Bimonte, Amina Belhassena, Pietro Battistoni, Christophe Cariou, Gerard Chalhoub, Juan Carlos Corrales, Jean Laneurit, Rim Moussa, Julian Eduardo Plazas, Robert Wrembel and Monica Sebillo, Modeling Data for IoT Agroecology Applications by meansof a UML Profile, 13th International Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems, MEDES, November 2021
  10. Ali Mamadou Mamadou, Gerard Chalhoub, DURATS: Distributed User-centric Radio Access Technology Selection framework, 17th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), October 2021
  11. A. Belhassena, P. Battistoni, M. Souza, J. Laneurit, R. Moussa, S. Bimonte, R. Wrembel, M. Abouqateb, C. Cariou, G. Chalhoub, G. Andre, M. Sebillo, B. Bachelet, Towards an Architecture for Agricultural Autonomous Robots’ Scheduling, 2021 IEEE 25th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop (EDOCW), October 2021
  12. S. Bimonte, A. Belhassena, C. Cariou, J. Laneurit, R. Moussa, G. Chalhoub, R. Wrembel, G. Picard, L. Bellatreche, A. Journaux, T. Heirman, A. Hassan, S. Rizzi, J. George, On Designing and Implementing Agro-ecology IoT Applications: Issues from Applied Research Projects, 2021 IEEE 25th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop (EDOCW), October 2021
  13. Mohamad Rahal, Marc Ibrahim, Gerard Chalhoub, Simulation-based Study of Interference Impact in ISM Bands in Smart Cities: Connected Traffic Light for Visually Impaired People Use-case, WINSYS, July 2021
  14. 2020
  15. Ali Mamadou Mamadou, Mouna Karoui, Gerard Chalhoub, Antonio Freitas, Survey on Decision-Making Algorithms for Network Selection in Heterogeneous Architectures, Nets4Cars/Nets4Trains/Nets4Aircraft, November 2020
  16. Mouna Karoui, Antonio Freitas, Gerard Chalhoub, A Study of Congestion Control Approaches for Vehicular Communications Using ITS-G5, IEEE PIMRC, August 2020
  17. Mouna Karoui, Antonio Freitas, Gerard Chalhoub, Performance comparison between LTE-V2X and ITS-G5 under realistic urban scenarios, IEEE VTC, May 2020
  18. 2019
  19. Ali Mamadou Mamdou, Joel Toussaint, Gerard Chalhoub, Interference Study of Coexisting IEEE 802.11 and 802.15.4 Networks, PEMWN, November 2019, Invited paper
  20. Guéréguin Der Sylvestre Sidibe, Aurélien Surier, Raphael Bidaud, Gilles Delisle, Nadir Hakem, Marie-Françoise Servajean, Badr Rmili, Gérard Chalhoub, Michel Misson, Use of a Switched Beam Antenna in a Star Wireless Sensor Network for Data Collection: Neighbor Discovery Problem, WiSEE, October 2019
  21. Mouna Karoui, Antonio Freitas, Gerard Chalhoub, Comparative evaluation study of GLOSA approaches under realistic scenario conditions, Ad Hoc NOW, October 2019
  22. Mouna Karoui, Antonio Freitas, Gerard Chalhoub, Impact of driver reaction and penetration rate on GLOSA, Nets4Cars Nets4Train Nets4Aircraft Workshop, May 2019, Best paper award
  23. Mahdi Sharara, Marc Ibrahim, Gerard Chalhoub, Impact of Network Performance on GLOSA, IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, January 2019
  24. 2018
  25. Mouna Karoui, Antonio Freitas, Gerard Chalhoub, Efficiency of Speed Advisory Boundary fINder (SABIN) strategy for GLOSA using ITS-G5, Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks, September 2018
  26. Hamadoun Tall, Gerard Chalhoub, Michel Misson, W-ETX: Worst-case Expected Transmission Count routing protocol for convergecast WSNs, Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks, September 2018
  27. Adrian Couvent, Nicolas Tricot, Christophe Debain, Matthieu Driddi, Mahmoud Almasri, Gerard Chalhoub, Gil De Sousa, Marie Izaute, Fabien Coutarel, Impact of machine's robotisation on the activity of operator in picking tasks, 1st International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications (IHSED), October 25-27, 2018
  28. Matthieu Driddi, Adrian Couvent, Mahmoud Almasri, Gerard Chalhoub, Gil De Sousa, Marie Izaute, Nicolas Tricot, Fabien Coutarel, From acceptability assessment during design process to acceptance in real world, 1st International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications (IHSED), October 25-27, 2018
  29. Hamadoun Tall, Gerard Chalhoub, Michel Misson, ComLoB: Link quality and queuing delay based Composite routing protocol for traffic Load Balancing in WSNs, IEEE MenaComm, April 2018
  30. Jinpeng Wang, Hamadoun Tall, Gérard Chalhoub: Competition: Smart flooding with multichannel for industrial wireless sensor networks, EWSN, February 2018
  31. 2017
  32. Jinpeng Wang, Gerard Chalhoub, Michel Misson, Mobility support enhancement for RPL, Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks, November 2017, Best paper award
  33. Gerard Chalhoub, Hamadoun Tall, Jinpeng Wang, Michel Misson, DFTR: Dynamic Fault-Tolerant Routing protocol for convergecast WSNs, IEEE VTC, Sept 2017
  34. Jinpeng Wang, Gerard Chalhoub, Hamadoun Tall, Michel Misson, Routing protocol enhancement for mobility support in wireless sensor networks, Ad Hoc NOW, Sept 2017
  35. Gerard Chalhoub, Marie-Caroline Deux, Badr Rmili, Michel Misson, Reliable High Data Rate Wireless Sensor Network for Heavy Lift Launch Vehicles, EUCASS, July 2017
  36. Hamadoun Tall, Gerard Chalhoub, Michel Misson, M-CoLBA: Multichannel Collaborative Load Balancing Algorithm with Queue Overflow Avoidance in WSNs, IEEE IWCMC, June 2017
  37. 2016
  38. Rim Ketata, Lobna Kriaa, Gerard Chalhoub, Leila Azzouz Saidane, Detailed Analysis of the AES CTR Mode Parallel Execution Using OpenMP, Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks, November 2016
  39. 2015
  40. Pascale Minet, Gerard Chalhoub, Erwan Livolant, Michel Misson, Badr Rmili, Jean-Francois Perelgritz, Adaptive wireless sensor networks for aircraft, IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments, December 2015
  41. Hamadoun Tall, Gerard Chalhoub, Michel Misson, CoLBA: a Collaborative Load Balancing Algorithm to avoid queue overflow in WSNs, IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things, December 2015
  42. Hamadoun Tall, Gerard Chalhoub, Michel Misson, Implementation of IEEE 802.15.4 unslotted CSMA/CA protocol on Contiki OS, Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks, November 2015, Best paper award
  43. 2014
  44. Rana Diab, Gerard Chalhoub, Michel Misson, Enhanced Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Days, Nov 2014
  45. Rana Diab, Gerard Chalhoub, Michel Misson, Evaluation of a Hybrid Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Periodic and Burst Traffic, IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Sept 2014, Short paper
  46. Ismail Mansour, Gerard Chalhoub, Pascal Lafourcade, François Delobel, Secure Key Renewal and Revocation for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Sept 2014, Short paper
  47. Ismail Mansour, Gerard Chalhoub, Pascal Lafourcade, Secure Multihop Key Establishment Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks, International Conference on Cryptography and Security Systems (CSS), Sept 2014
  48. Ismail Mansour, Damian Rusinek, Gerard Chalhoub, Pascal Lafourcade, Bogdan Ksiezopolski, Multihop Node Authentication Mechanisms for Wireless Sensor Networks, International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless (ADHOC-NOW), June 2014
  49. 2013
  50. Rana Diab, Gerard Chalhoub, Michel Misson, Channel Allocation Evaluation for a multi-channel MAC protocol, IEEE PIMRC (International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications), Sept 2013
  51. Rana Diab, Gerard Chalhoub, Michel Misson, Hybrid Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks: Interference Rate Evaluation, IEEE VTC (Vehicular Technology Conference), Sept 2013
  52. Antoinette Mouawad, Gerard Chalhoub, Gilbert Habib, Michel Misson, A performance study of mobile nodes in a Wireless Sensor Network, ICCIT (International Conference on Communications and Information Technology), June 2013
  53. 2012
  54. Ismail Mansour, Gerard Chalhoub, Evaluation of different cryptographic algorithms on wireless sensor network nodes, ICWCUCA (International Conference on Wireless Communications in Unusual and Confined Areas), Aug 2012
  55. Antoinette Mouawad, Gerard Chalhoub, Michel Misson, Data Management in a Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Nodes: A Case Study, ICWCUCA (International Conference on Wireless Communications in Unusual and Confined Areas), Aug 2012
  56. Ismail Mansour, Gerard Chalhoub, Bassem Bakhache, Evaluation of a fast symmetric cryptographic algorithm based on the chaos theory for wireless sensor networks, MWNS (International Symposium on Mobile Wireless Network Security), June 2012
  57. 2011
  58. Nancy El Rachkidy, Gerard Chalhoub, Alexandre Guitton, Michel Misson, Queue-exchange mechanism to improve the QoS in a multi-stack architecture, ACM PE-WASUN (ACM International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks), Oct 2011, best paper award
  59. Ismail Mansour, Gerard Chalhoub, Alain Quilliot, Security architecture for wireless sensor networks using frequency hopping and public key management, IEEE ICNSC (IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control), April 2011
  60. Ismail Mansour, Gerard Chalhoub, Michel Misson, Energy-Efficent Security Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Frequency Hopping and Permutation Cyphering, PECCS (International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems), March 2011, poster
  61. 2010
  62. Gerard Chalhoub, Michel Misson, Cluster-tree based energy efficient protocol for wireless sensor networks, IEEE ICNSC (IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control), April 2010
  63. Pascale Minet, Saoucène Mahfoudh, Gerard Chalhoub, Alexandre Guitton, Node coloring in a wireless sensor network with unidirectional links and topology changes, IEEE WCNC (IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference), April 2010
  64. 2009
  65. Gerard Chalhoub, Nassima Haddid, Alexandre Guitton, Michel Misson, Deference mechanisms significantly increase the MAC delay of slotted CSMA/CA, IEEE ICC (IEEE International Conference on Communications), June 2009
  66. 2008
  67. Marc-Henry Bertin, Adrien van den Bossche, Gerard Chalhoub, Tuan Dang, Saoucène Mahfoudh, Joseph Rahmé, Jean-Baptiste Viollet, OCARI for industrial wireless sensor networks, IFIP Wireless Daysk, Nov 2008, invited paper
  68. Gerard Chalhoub, Alexandre Guitton, Frédérique Jacquet, Antonio Freitas, Michel Misson, Medium Access Control for a Tree-Based Wireless Sensor Network: Synchronization Management, IFIP Wireless Days, Nov 2008
  69. Gerard Chalhoub, Alexandre Guitton, Michel Misson, MAC specifications for a WPAN allowing both energy saving and guaranteed delay - Part A: MaCARI: a synchronized tree-based MAC protocol, IFIP WSAN (IFIP Conference on Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks), July 2008
  70. papier collaboratif, OCARI: Optimization of Communication for Ad hoc Reliable Industrial networks, IEEE INDIN (IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics), July 2008, best presentation award
  71. Gerard Chalhoub, Antonio Freitas, Michel Misson, A Novel Approach for Simulating a Bio-Contamination Process, BIODEVICES (International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices), Jan 2008

Educational Publications

  1. Gerard Chalhoub, Joel Toussaint, Mise en place d’un module de synthèse des enseignements Réseaux, Systèmes et Télécoms, Workshop Réseaux et Télécommunication de l'IUT, Nov 2018, Educational paper
  2. 2014
  3. Gerard Chalhoub, Du DNS au DNSSEC, Workshop Réseaux et Télécommunication de l'IUT, Nov 2014, Educational paper
  4. 2010
  5. Gerard Chalhoub, Réseaux de capteurs sans fil, Workshop Réseaux et élécommunication de l'IUT, Nov 2010, Educational paper



Introduction to Pentesting
Wireless Sensor Networks
Security Architecture
Wireless local area networks
Local area networks
Linux administration
Deployment of Wireless Networks
Network Services and Security
Networks: Application Protocols
Networks Overview

Some undergradute projects under my supervision

Intrusion Detection and Protection systems
Wi-Fi network deployment study and analysis
Implementation of synchronization, TDMA and data exchange mechanisms on TelosB motes
Quantification of processing time on microcontrollers
Link quality in wireless sensor networks
Frame network analyzer for wireless sensor networks
Simulation and study of slotted CSMA/CA
Variation of the received signal power in wireless sensor networks
Graphical representation of a wireless sensor network

Additional information


I had my BS in Information System at the Lebanese University in Tripoli, Lebanon in 2005. I obtained my Master's degree in 2006 at Blaise Pascal University (Clermont 2) at Clermont-Ferrand, France. I obtained my PhD in computer science in december 2009. The PhD thesis was under the supervision of professor Michel MISSON at the LIMOS laboratory at Blaise Pascal Univeristy. It was funded by the ANR (French National Research Agency) and it was part of project OCARI. I obtained my Habilitation degree in Networking and Telecommunicaitons in 2016.

The PhD thesis 2007-2009

I carried out my PhD thesis at the LIMOS laboratory under the supervision of Professor Michel MISSON. The thesis aimed at proposing, specifying and evaluating a medium access protocol for wireless sensor networks that ensures both energy efficiency and determinism. This protocol is called MaCARI.

Abstract of the PhD thesis

A wireless sensor network is a set of small communicating nodes that consume very little energy. Some applications require wireless sensor networks to be energy efficient to extend the lifetime of the network, others require deterministic behavior that usually results in bounded end-to-end delays and/or frame loss rate below a critical threshold. To save significant energy, an entity must be put into sleep mode. During this period, it will be inactive thus unable to participate in network activity. The use of sleep periods is a handicap for the deterministic aspect as well as for the respect of delay constraints.

The work of this thesis focuses on the specification, development and evaluation in different forms of a deterministic medium access mechanism adaptable to the quality of service requirements such as the absence of collisions and the guarantee of a bounded endtoend delay, while maintaining low energy consumption behavior. The proposed solution is based on temporal segmentation of the activities of the nodes, multi-hop synchronization and service differentiation based on two routing strategies.

Keywords: Wireless sensor networks, Medium access control, ZigBee, IEEE 802.15.4, Quality of service.